House Lamia Sectae - House of the Vampire Way of Life

Bearers of the Flame


A Leadership Article Preview

This is a preview to a Leadership article that will be coming to the Community in the near future. I hope you enjoy this information because it is of the utmost importance for all leaders to not only be good in their leadership but to lead by example as well.

The carrying of the Flame of Wisdom is simple yet not an easy task to partake of considering all the things each must endure and surpass to do so. Please read these prose below and do your best to implement them along the way.

Leadership Prose Sample

Let not the Darkness of ignorance and misuse of Power consume you on your path of sharing Wisdom with others less the Darkness take you under with it and your soul surely in tow.

Be Positive Bearers of the Light of Wisdom to those that seek you out along the way so they can see the path that lays before them. This indeed shall blind those that bring disharmony and misdirection into the mix, for they are not yet worthy of it's presence and they will quickly be sent on their way.

Be Bright and Shining Beacons so more out there will follow lead, not in your own footsteps but the path that each one of them must one day walk.

Build forth your House and your Wisdom of Words upon stable concrete groundwork not mud, for mud in the end will not be there long.

Stand Stern upon the the pillars of Enlightenment by gathering each Flicker of Knowledge and Wisdom that you see so you can share it with those that do the same.

Seek not the Power of Wisdom for the sake of the Power it contains, but for the balance of Love, Power, and Wisdom, so you can see clearly knowing you have made a wise choice even though it may hurt to do so sometimes when the hand of Tuff Love is needed.

Never give up Hope, for it is that last vestige of hope, no matter how small it may be, that will give you the strength to endure even the darkest of hours.

The Burden of bearing the Flame of Wisdom correctly will bring many a test, so prepare early on so you can make the wisest of decisions before you step into a fire.

Blessings to All,

Lady Adriana

© 2005 Lady Adriana (Rev. King) All Copyrights reserved to original Author. Do not copy, change, or alter without written permission from the Author first. Do not reprint and/or retransmitt unless in entirety with copyright statement and credit to the original author attached. Any copying, changes, alterations, reprints, and/or retransmits without copyright statement and credit to original author attached will be consider a copyright infringement and punishable by law.

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