House Lamia Sectae - House of the Vampire Way of Life

General Conduct Guidelines

1. Please do not Flame, Threaten, Abuse, or BS
2. Please show respect to all members
3. Please limit the use of profanity and vulgarity
4. Please do not negate the opinions and feelings of others
5. Please treat yourself with respect
6. Please use discretion when feeding
7. Please be careful who you advertise yourself to
8. Please do not tell people they are or are not Vampires or Otherkin
9. Please leave education to the Elders
10. Please do not engage is sexual conversations with minors, or in the presence of minors
11. Agree to disagree

Chat Guidelines

Open Chat: i.e. yahoo, aol, msn, etc

1. Please do not Flame, Threaten, Abuse or BS
2. Please do not engage in sexual conversations with minors, or in the presence of minors
3. Please limit the use of profanity
4. Please show respect
5. Please greet people as they enter the chatroom
6. Please answer questions as the arise if you are knowledgeable about the topic
7. Please ignore people that bother you instead of argueing
8. Have Fun

Topic Chats

1. Please stay on topic
2. Please voice your opinions and knowledge
3. Please respect the person who is speaking
4. Please ignore people that bother you instead of argueing
5. Please limit the use of profanity
6. Please do not Flame, Threaten, Abuse or BS
7. Have Fun

Official Meetings

1. Please stay on topic
2. Please pay attention
3. Please vote
4. Please respect the person who is speaking
5. 5. Please voice your opinion
6. Please limit the use of profanity
7. Please answer questions
8. Please do not Flame, Threaten, Abuse or BS

House Lamia Sectae Vade Mecum Guidelines-Mission Statement-Guidelines and Discipline-Guidelines

Hierarchy - Centers and Duties-Heads and Assistants of HLS Centers-HLS Elders

Predator List

Home Page-Organization

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