House Lamia Sectae - House of the Vampire Way of Life

Sanguine/Blood Vampires

WARNING!  Consumption of blood can be extremely hazardous to your health.  

The danger is not only for the Sanguine Vampire, the Donor is also at risk of severe injury or death.

I do not endorse not recommend consuming blood.  
I include this information for educational purposes only.  
If you decide to use this information, you are doing so at your own risk.  
I am not legally responsible for the decisions you make in your own life.

Blood carries numerous diseases such as: AIDS, Brucellosis, Chicken Pox (Varicella), Chlamidia, Colds, Diptheria, Food Poisoning, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis (A-B-C-D-G, yes there are 5 types of hepatitis), Herpes, Influenza, Legionnaires' Disease, Malaria, Measles, Meningitis, Mumps, Rubella, Scarlet Fever, Shingles, Spotted Fever, Strep Throat, Syphilis, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Tuberculosis, Typhus, Warts, and I am sure there are others as well.

All individuals should have the following tests done:
( available at your doctors office, or will be provided
free if you donate blood to the Red Cross)
CBC, Chem 20 (chemical profile or SMAC), VDRL (STD profile), and HIV

Always remember to avoid areas rich in veins, arteries, and major muscle groups.  Also remember that blood loss can cause brain damage or death.
 The Red Cross does not allow more than one donation of 1 pint (473.18ml) of blood to be given per any 8 week (56 days) period.

1ml = 1cc.  
5cc = one teaspoon.

Two teaspoons of blood per day equal 70ml of blood per week, 280ml per month, and 560ml per two month period.  This is 86.82ml's more than the recommended amount allowed by the Red Cross for the same period of time.  
Always look out for the health of your donor, and watch for symptoms of anemia, fatigue, problems concentrating, vampiric tendencies (does not mean they are a vampire, just means they have been over fed from), mood swings, loss of consciousness, irritablity, poor coordination, dizzyness, headache, nausea, etc.

Blood is a natural emetic, so if you are planning on consuming blood, please be aware of this.

Methods of Sanguinary Feeding:

Biting The act of breaking the skin using your teeth, even with proper hygiene, this method has the greatest chances of causing an infection and scarring for the donor.  This method is not recommended.
Cutting The act of using STERILE blades (i.e. scalpel, razor blade, exacto knife, etc) to cut the skin.  The incision should be no more than an inch across, and no more than 1mm deep.  Do not cut in areas that have much movement, the constant movement will inhibit the cut from healing properly and increases the chances of infection.  A single incision will usually heal without a scar.  Some prefer to make a small X shape incision because it stays open longer.  Making an X, however, does increase the chances of scarring.  Do not suck hard on the inscised area as this may damage surrounding tissues, and will impede healing.  Also, do not lap the blood from the wound like a dog, it gets quite annoying for the donor.
Lancets Lancets are devices used by diabetics to get blood samples for blood glucose monitering.  They usually consist of a needle that is loaded into a spring loaded pen, that with a push of a button makes a small hole in the skin allowing a couple of drops of blood out.  The benefit of this method is that it is relatively painless, the disadvantage is the small amount of blood that can be extracted.
Venipuncture This method should only be done by trained professionals.  It involves using a hypodermic syringe, or butterfly to draw blood from the donors veins.  If done properly, it is one of the best methods for getting blood from a donor.  It is virtually painless, leaves no scars and allows for larger quantities of blood to be withdrawn.  


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